Vanja Dakic

Formada pelo curso de Graduação em Ciências Biológicas - Modalidade Biologia Molecular da Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Novi Sad, Sérvia (2007), onde também defendeu mestrado em 2008 orientada pela professora PhD, Radmila Kovacevic. Durante a iniciação cientifica e mestrado atuou na área de ecotoxicologia e endocrinologia reprodutiva, investigando os mecanismos de toxicidade de xenobióticos sobre esteroidogênese testicular. Possui doutorado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Morfológicas (PCM - ICB/UFRJ), sob orientação do professor Steven Rehen. Durante sua tese investigou efeitos biológicos dos compostos ativos da ayahuasca em progenitores humanos e organoides cerebrais humanos. Atualmente empregada pela L'Oréal Pesquisa & Inovação, atuando na área de metodos alternativos, bilogia de pele humana, toxicologia, hiPSC, e neuronios sensoriais.

Informações coletadas do Lattes em 23/02/2024


Formação acadêmica

Doutorado em Ciências Morfológicas

2012 - 2017

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Título: Biological effects of the psychoactive components of plant tea Ayahuasca in human neural progenitor cells and cerebral organoids
Stevens Kastrup Rehen. Bolsista do(a): Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do RJ, FAPERJ, Brasil. Palavras-chave: Células-tronco; Neurônios; Diferenciação celular; Substâncias psicodélicas.Grande área: Ciências BiológicasGrande Área: Ciências Biológicas / Área: Morfologia / Subárea: neurociencias.

Doutorado interrompido em 2011 em Molecular Biology

2008 - Atual

University of Belgrade
Título: Combined effect of three component mixture of endorine disrupting chemicals (atrazine, diethylhexyl phthalates and tributyltin) on the steroidogenetic potential of peripubertal rat Leydig cells
Orientador: Radmila Kovacevic
Ano de interrupção: 2011

Mestrado em Master in Molecular Biology

2007 - 2008

University Of Novi Sad
Título: Effect of in vitro application of atrazine on expression and activity of steroiodgenic enzymes of Leydig cells in peripubertal rats, Ano de Obtenção: 2008
Orientador: Radmila Kovacevic
Grande área: Ciências Biológicas

Graduação em Biology

2003 - 2007

University Of Novi Sad
Título: Effect of in vitro application of atrazine on androgen production of Leydig cells in peripubertal rats
Orientador: Radmila Kovacevic

Ensino Médio (2º grau)

1999 - 2003

Grammar school ?Borislav Petrovic Braca?

Formação complementar

2014 - 2014

Seminário sobre neurosci6encia, Fiocruz Aviesan. (Carga horária: 16h). , Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, FIOCRUZ, Brasil.

2010 - 2010

1st ISMEE - Int School Mar Ecol Ecotoxicol. (Carga horária: 45h). , Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Brasil.

2008 - 2008

Extensão universitária em Summer School of Environmental Chemistry and Ecoto. (Carga horária: 45h). , Brno University of Technology, BUT, República Tcheca.


Bandeira representando o idioma Inglês

Compreende Bem, Fala Bem, Lê Bem, Escreve Bem.

Bandeira representando o idioma Português

Compreende Bem, Fala Bem, Lê Bem, Escreve Bem.


Compreende Bem, Fala Bem, Lê Bem, Escreve Bem.

Áreas de atuação

Grande área: Ciências Biológicas / Área: Farmacologia / Subárea: Toxicologia.

Grande área: Ciências Biológicas / Área: Farmacologia / Subárea: Neuropsicofarmacologia.

Organização de eventos

Kovacevic R. ; KAISAREVIC, S ; Dakic, V. ; Teodorovic I. . Second REP-LECOTOX Workshop ? Trends in Ecological Risk Assessment. 2009. (Congresso).

Kovacevic R. ; Dakic, V. ; Teodorovic I. ; Kaisarevic S. . First REP-LECOTOX Workshop?ecotoxicogenomics: the challenge of integrating genomics/proteomics/metabolomics into aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology. 2008. (Congresso).

Participação em eventos

EURAXESS Science Slam Brasil.Music in the brain. 2013. (Outra).

1st PRIMO International School on Marine Ecology and Ecotoxicology. 2010. (Oficina).

FEBS Workshop on Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Cell Signaling?.Transient stimulatory action of atrazine on cAMP signaling pathway in Leydig cells. 2010. (Oficina).

?Summer School of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology. 2008. (Seminário).

Comissão julgadora das bancas

Katia Carneiro de Paula

CARNEIRO K; Oliveira, F; Cardoso, C.. CRISPR e suas aplicações para medicina regenerativa. 2015. Exame de qualificação (Doutorando em Ciências Morfológicas) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

Cynthia Chester Cardoso

Cardoso CC. CRISPR e suas aplicações para a medicina regenerativa.. 2015. Exame de qualificação (Doutorando em Ciências Morfológicas) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

Tiago Arruda Sanchez

Sanchez, T. A.; REIS, R.; BENJAMIM, C.; GUIMARAES, M. Z. P.; REHEN, S. K.. Biological effects of the psychoactive components of plant tea Ayahuasca in human neural progenitor cells and cerebral organoids. 2017. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Morfológicas) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

Ricardo Augusto de Melo Reis

DE MELO REIS, RICARDO AUGUSTO; REHEN, S. K.; GUIMARÃES, M. P. Z.; BENJAMIN, C.; SANCHES, T.. Biological effects of the psychoactive components of plant tea Ayahuasca in human neural progenitor cells and cerebral organoids. 2017. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Morfológicas) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

Claudia Farias Benjamim

BENJAMIM, CLAUDIA F; Stevens Kastrup Rehen; Reis, R.; Tiago Arruda Sanchez. Biological Effects of Ayahuasca Primary Compounds in Human Neural Progenitor Cells and Cerebral Organoids. 2017. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Morfológicas) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

Foi orientado por

Stevens Kastrup Rehen

Biological effects of the psychoactive components of plant tea Ayahuasca in human neural progenitor cells and cerebral organoids; 2017; Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Morfológicas) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do RJ; Orientador: Stevens Kastrup Rehen;

Produções bibliográficas

  • DE VECCHI, RODRIGO ; DAKIC, VANJA ; MATTOS, GUILHERME ; RIGAUDEAU, ANNE-SOPHIE ; OLIVEIRA, VERONICA ; GARCIA, CRISTINA ; ALÉPÉE, NATHALIE ; COTOVIO, JOSÉ ; BOUEZ, CHARBEL . Implementation, availability and regulatory status of an OECD accepted Reconstructed Human Epidermis model in Brazil. Vigilância Sanitária em Debate: Sociedade, Ciência & Tecnologia , v. 6, p. 64, 2018.

  • DAKIC, VANJA ; MINARDI NASCIMENTO, JULIANA ; COSTA SARTORE, RAFAELA ; MACIEL, RENATA DE MORAES ; DE ARAUJO, DRAULIO B. ; RIBEIRO, SIDARTA ; MARTINS-DE-SOUZA, DANIEL ; REHEN, STEVENS K. . Short term changes in the proteome of human cerebral organoids induced by 5-MeO-DMT. Scientific Reports , v. 7, p. 12863 (2017), 2017.

  • DAKIC, VANJA ; MACIEL, RENATA DE MORAES ; DRUMMOND, HANNAH ; NASCIMENTO, JULIANA M. ; TRINDADE, PABLO ; REHEN, STEVENS K. . Harmine stimulates proliferation of human neural progenitors. PeerJ , v. 4, p. e2727, 2016.

  • KAISAREVIC, SONJA ; DAKIC, VANJA ; HRUBIK, JELENA ; GLISIC, BRANKA ; LÜBCKE-VON VAREL, URTE ; POGRMIC-MAJKIC, KRISTINA ; FA, SVETLANA ; TEODOROVIC, IVANA ; BRACK, WERNER ; KOVACEVIC, RADMILA . Differential expression of CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 genes in H4IIE rat hepatoma cells exposed to TCDD and PAHs. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology , v. 39, p. 358-368, 2015.

  • FA, SVETLANA ; POGRMIC-MAJKIC, KRISTINA ; DAKIC, VANJA ; KAISAREVIC, SONJA ; HRUBIK, JELENA ; ANDRIC, NEBOJSA ; STOJILKOVIC, STANKO S. ; KOVACEVIC, RADMILA . Acute effects of hexabromocyclododecane on Leydig cell cyclic nucleotide signaling and steroidogenesis in vitro. Toxicology Letters , v. 218, p. 81-90, 2013.

  • Dakic, Vanja ; POGRMIC-MAJKIC, KRISTINA ; KAISAREVIC, SONJA ; FA, SVETLANA ; GLISIC, BRANKA ; HRUBIK, JELENA ; KOVACEVIC, RADMILA . Atrazine effects on antioxidant status and xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes after oral administration in peripubertal male rat. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology , v. 34, p. 495-501, 2012.

  • Teodorovic I. ; Kaisarevic S. ; Pogrmic-Majkic K. ; Planojevic I. ; Fa S. ; Dakic, Vanja ; Hrubik J. ; Gliisic B. ; Kovacevic R. . REP-LECOTOX: an example of FP 6 INCO project to strengthen ecotoxicological research in WBC (Western Balkan countries). Environmental Sciences Europe , v. 23:5, p. 1-5, 2011.

  • Teodorovic I. ; Kaisarevic S. ; Planojevic I. ; Fa S. ; Dakic, Vanja ; Pogrmic-Majkic K. ; Hrubik J. ; Gliisic B. ; Kovacevic R. . Second REP-LECOTOX Workshop "Trends in Ecological Risk Assessment". Environmental Science and Pollution Research International , v. 23:6, p. 1-3, 2011.

  • Dakic, Vanja ; David R. ; Williams T. ; Winter M. ; Chipman K. . Transcriptional responses in neonate and adult Daphnia magna in relation to relative susceptibility to genotoxicants. Aquatic Toxicology , v. 104, p. 192-204, 2011.

  • POGRMIC-MAJKIC, K. ; FA, S. ; KOVACEVIC, R. ; DAKIC, V. ; KAISAREVIC, S. . Upregulation of Peripubertal Rat Leydig Cell Steroidogenesis Following 24 h In Vitro and In Vivo Exposure to Atrazine. Toxicological Sciences (Print) , v. 118, p. 52-60, 2010.

  • POGRMIC, K. ; DAKIC, V. ; FA, S. ; KAISAREVIC, S. ; KOVACEVIC, R. . Atrazine Oral Exposure of Peripubertal Male Rats Downregulates Steroidogenesis Gene Expression in Leydig Cells. Toxicological Sciences (Print) , v. 111, p. 189-197, 2009.

  • KOVACEVIC, R. ; TEODOROVIC, I. ; FA, S. ; POGRMIC, K. ; KAISAREVIC, S. ; VIRIJEVIC, S. ; DAKIC, V. ; PLANOJEVIC, I. . First REP-LECOTOX Workshopâecotoxicogenomics: the challenge of integrating genomics/proteomics/metabolomics into aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology. Environmetal Science and Pollution Research International (Internet) , v. 16, p. 130-131, 2009.

  • Dakic, V. ; Paulsen, Bruna, S ; Maciel, Renata, M. ; Madeiro, Rodrigo, C. ; Ramalho, Bia, ; Rehen, Stevens, K. . Pluripotent Stem Cells as Tools for Studying the Effects of Psychedelic Substances in Human Neurons. In: Psychedelic Science 2013, 2013, Oakland. Psychedelic Science 2013, 2013.

  • Fa S. ; Dakic, Vanja ; Pogrmic-Majkic K. ; Hrubik J. ; Kaisarevic S. ; Kovacevic R. . Transient stimulatory action of atrazine on cAMP signaling pathway in Leydig cells. In: FEBS Workshop on Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Cell Signaling, 2010, Oslo. FEBS Workshop on Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Cell Signaling. Oslo. v. 1. p. 14-14.

  • FA, S ; Dakic, Vanja ; POGRMIC-MAJKIC, K ; Hrubik J. ; KAISAREVIC, S ; KOVACEVIC, R . Toxic effects of HBCDD upon Leydig cell steroidogenesis ? possible role of mitochondria?. In: Mitochondrial phisiology; The many functions of the organism in our cells, 2010, Obergurgl. Toxic effects of HBCDD upon Leydig cell steroidogenesis ? possible role of mitochondria?. Obergurgl, 2010. v. 1. p. 71-71.

  • Kaisarevic S. ; Lübcke-von Varel U. ; Orcic D. ; Streck G. ; Schulze T. ; Tubic A. ; Dakic, Vanja ; Pogrmic-Majkic K. ; Teodorovic I. ; Brack W. ; Kovacevic R. . EFFECT-DIRECTED ANALYSIS OF CONTAMINATED SEDIMENT FROM THE WASTEWATER CANAL IN PANCEVO INDUSTRIAL AREA, SERBIA.. In: Characterisation of hazardous chemical contamination - from environmental chemistry and toxicology to risk assessment (NATO SfP 982590 project workshop), 2010, Dubrovnik. Characterisation of hazardous chemical contamination - from environmental chemistry and toxicology to risk assessment (NATO SfP 982590 project workshop). Dubrovnik, 2010. v. 1. p. 25-25.



  • Dakic, Vanja ; Pogrmic-Majkic K. ; Fa S. ; Kaisarevic S. ; Hrubik J. ; Kovacevic R. . In vivo transient stimulatory effect of atrazine on rat testicular steroidogenesis. In: International Symposium ?One hundred years of Ivan Djajas Belgrade School of Physiology, 2010, Belgrade. International Symposium ?One hundred years of Ivan Djajas Belgrade School of Physiology. Belgrade, 2010. v. 1. p. 87-87.

  • Fa S. ; Dakic, Vanja ; Pogrmic-Majkic K. ; Hrubik J. ; Kovacevic R. . Toxic effects of HBCDD upon Leydig cell steroidogenesis in peripubertal rats. In: International Symposium ?One hundred years of Ivan Djajas Belgrade School of Physiology, 2010, Belgrade. International Symposium ?One hundred years of Ivan Djajas Belgrade School of Physiology. Belgrade, 2010. p. 89-89.

  • Pogrmic-Majkic K. ; Dakic, Vanja ; Fa S. ; Kaisarevic S. ; Kovacevic R. . Atrazine-induced modulation of peripubertal rat Leydig cell steroidogenesis. In: Gordon Reasearch Conference: Environmental Endocrine Disruptors, 2010, Les Diablerets. Gordon Reasearch Conference: Environmental Endocrine Disruptors. Les Diablerets, 2010. p. 26-26.

  • Kaisarevic S. ; Tubic A. ; Schulze T. ; Streck G. ; Lübcke-von Varel U. ; Sperreuter A. ; Dakic, Vanja ; Pogrmic-Majkic K. ; Teodorovic I. ; Brack W. ; Kovacevic R. . Contaminated sediment from industrial area in Serbia: Further steps in effect-directed analysis. In: Setac Europe: 20th annual Meeting, Science and technology for environmental protection, 2010, Seville. Setac Europe: 20th annual Meeting, Science and technology for environmental protection. Seville, 2010. p. 137-138.

  • Kovacevic R. ; Teodorovic I. ; Kaisarevic S. ; Fa S. ; Pogrmic-Majkic K. ; Planojevic I. ; Dakic, Vanja . EC FP6 REP-LECOTOX Project. EC FP ? facilitated success story how LECOTOX became visible on scientific map of Europe. In: MODELKEY Final Conference ? How to assess the impact of key pollutants in aquatic ecosystems, 2009, Leipzig. MODELKEY Final Conference ? How to assess the impact of key pollutants in aquatic ecosystems. Leipzig, 2009. p. 62-62.

  • David R. ; Dakic, Vanja ; Williams T. ; Winter M. ; Chipman K. . Identification of Molecular Level Idicators of Genotoxicant Activation and Exposure in Daphnia Magna. In: 15th International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms, 2009, Bordeaux. 15th International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms. Bordeaux, 2009. p. 391-391.

  • Pogrmic-Majkic K. ; Fa S. ; Kaisarevic S. ; Dakic, Vanja ; Kovacevic R. . Atrazine Oral Exposure Inhibits Expression of Genes Responsible for Steroidogenesis in Peripubertal Rat Leydig Cells. In: 21st IUBMB and 12th FAOBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2009, Shanghai. 21st IUBMB and 12th FAOBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Shanghai, 2009. p. 223.

  • Kaisarevic S. ; Dakic, V. ; Hrubik J. ; Gliisic B. ; Lübcke-von Varel U. ; Pogrmic K. ; Teodorovic I. ; Brack W. ; Kovacevic R. . Profiles of CYP1 and GST gene expression in rat hepatoma cells as biomarkers for discriminatiohn between contamination by polychlorinated diibenzo-p-dioxins and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.. In: 11th Serbian Congress of Toxicology New Frontiers and Challenges in Toxicology, 2014, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia,. 11th Serbian Congress of Toxicology New Frontiers and Challenges in Toxicology, 2014.

  • KAISAREVIC, S ; Dakic, V. ; Hrubik J. ; Pogrmic K. ; FA, S ; Gliisic B. ; Kovacevic R. . TCDD and PAH-induced CYP1A/B gene expression in H4IIE rat hepatoma cells. In: Congress of European Societies of Toxicology EUROTOX, 2012, Stockholm. ?Safety science serving society?, 2012.

Outras produções

DE VECCHI, RODRIGO ; Dakic, V. . Treinamento teórico-prático em Métodos Alternativos à Experimentação Animal: Avaliação in vitro de irritação (OECD TG 439) e sensibilização cutânea (OECD TG 442E).. 2018. (Curso de curta duração ministrado/Outra).

DE VECCHI, RODRIGO ; Dakic, V. ; MATTOS, GUILHERME . Aplicação do modelo SkinEthic RHE para classificação de compostos irritantes e corrosivos. 2017. (Curso de curta duração ministrado/Outra).

Projetos de pesquisa

  • 2012 - Atual

    MODELAGEM DA ESQUIZOFRENIA UTILIZANDO CÉLULAS-TRONCO DE PLURIPOTÊNCIA INDUZIDA (IPS) PARA APLICAÇÃO EM MEDICINA PERSONALIZADA, Descrição: Compreender o papel do metabolismo do oxigênio, e outros aspectos relacionados ao estresse oxidativo e desenvolvimento neuronal é de fundamental importância para elucidar fatores celulares e bioquímicos envolvidos em transtornos psiquiátricos e, principalmente, para a criação de plataformas de prospecção de compostos com potencial terapêutico para esquizofrenia.. , Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. , Integrantes: Vanja Dakic - Integrante / Bruna Paulsen - Integrante / Renata Maciel - Integrante / Rodrigo Madeiro - Integrante / Stevens Rehen - Coordenador.

  • 2011 - 2014

    Endocrine disrupting compounds: reproductive, metabolic, developmental responses and mechanism of action in selected model organisms and cell lines, Descrição: The endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) have capacity to alter the function of hormonal and homeostatic system. Issues key to understanding the mechanism of action of EDC exposure includes the critical windows of susceptibility of target tissues, latency from exposure, mixture effects, dose-response dynamics and long-term latent effects. Objectives of the projects are to study reproductive, metabolic and developmental effects of selected EDC and mixtures and mechanisms of action in several model organisms and cell types: 1. Rat Leydig cells: effect and mechanism of action of single and mixed EDCs on steroidogenesis during sexual development; 2. Human HepG2, Rat H4IIE and fish ZFL hepatocytes: toxicity, proliferative/apoptotic action of single EDC and mixtures; Aquatic organisms: effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of selected EDC and mixtures of Dafnia magna reproduction and growth of Myriophillum aquaticum in complex matrices of freshwater ecosystems; 4. Zebrafish: studies on xenobiotic metabolic pathways, with special focus on characterization of ecotoxicologically relevant phase II enzymes. The project is aimed not only to elucidate the effect of environmentally relevant EDCs and mixtures on critical metabolic pathways in mammalians and non-mammalian species, including human cells, but also the strengthen the potential of our research group in fundamental and applied ecophysiological research and in ecological risk assessment.. , Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. , Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (4) / Mestrado acadêmico: (2) / Doutorado: (6) . , Integrantes: Vanja Dakic - Integrante / Pogrmic-Majkic K. - Integrante / Fa S. - Integrante / Hrubik J. - Integrante / Kaisarevic S. - Integrante / Kovacevic R. - Coordenador / Teodorovic I. - Integrante / Gliisic B. - Integrante., Financiador(es): University Of Novi Sad - Auxílio financeiro / Faculty of Sciences - Auxílio financeiro.

  • 2010 - 2012

    Establishing and developing of an ecotoxicology platform in Serbia and Croatia: a focus on zebrafish (Danio rerio), Descrição: The main project goal is capacity-building and promoting ecotoxicological research groups in Serbia and Croatia, and this overall goal will be fulfilled by performing two core project activities. The first part of the project will be directed to the transfer of knowledge and expertise that will enable the Serbian and Croatian partners to improve their overall research capacity, performing part of the research using zebrafish (Danio rerio) and related cell lines as highly established and promising models in biomedical and ecotoxicological research. Stable zebrafish cell lines (PAC1 and ZFL) and related cell culture protocols will be transferred to partner laboratories in Serbia and Croatia. Graduate students from both countries will be trained in Switzerland, in order to get knowledge and skills needed for work with these cell culture systems. A small scale zebrafish facility will be established at the Serbian partner laboratory, and equipment needed for maintenance of fish cell cultures will be installed. Both Serbian and Croatian partners will acquire knowledge needed for performing classical zebrafish acute toxicity assays, as well as the recently established zebrafish embryotoxicity DarT test. The second part of the project, which is focused on research, will be directed to better understanding of critical cellular, evolutionary conserved xenobiotic defence systems in aquatic organisms, using zebrafish as a model. Aquatic organisms deploy a wide range of protective systems against the adverse effects of toxic chemicals originating from both exogenous (environment) and endogenous sources. Taking into account the complexity of defence mechanisms contributing to the overall adsorption, disposition, metabolism, excretion, and finally toxicity of xenobiotics, in this project we will specifically focus on the uptake of environmental chemicals and metabolites by specific transmembrane proteins, detoxification by phase I and II biotransformation enzyme systems; and fin. , Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. , Integrantes: Vanja Dakic - Integrante / Pogrmic-Majkic K. - Integrante / Fa S. - Integrante / Hrubik J. - Integrante / Kaisarevic S. - Integrante / Kovacevic R. - Coordenador / Teodorovic I. - Integrante / Gliisic B. - Integrante., Financiador(es): University Of Novi Sad - Outra.

  • 2007 - 2009

    Reinforcement of research potential of the laboratory for ecotoxicology (REP-LECOTOX), Descrição: Laboratory for Ecotoxicology (LECOTOX) at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, represents qualified and very promising research capacity focused on toxic impact of persistent organic pollutants on biota with special emphases on fresh water ecosystem and sub-lethal types of toxicity (endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity, and "dioxin-like" toxicity). The research activities of LECOTOX are identification and characterization of aquatic ecotoxicity in our region in accordance with modern scientific approach, environmental quality standards and criteria, and active participation in the sustainable development and a consistent environmental policy, which has an ultimate character in the case of country in transition such as Serbia. Objectives of the proposed project are collaboration with research institutions in EU, exchange of scientific personnel and the training of young scientists; hiring new young researches to reinforce the human resources; and upgrading and renewal of S&T equipment. Achievement of those goals should enable research group of LECOTOX to become ready for challenge in ecotoxicology, namely for ecotoxicogenomics, a study of gene and protein expression important in response to environmental toxicant exposure. Development and application of genomic-based tools to tackle ecotoxicological questions, and intensive collaboration among researchers throughout the world on that issue, indicate significance of orientation to such propulsive field of investigation. Realization of the project would facilitate integration of LECOTOX into the European research area (ERA) as an appropriate partner in fundamental as well as applied research projects and in future activities within FP7.. , Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. , Integrantes: Vanja Dakic - Integrante / Pogrmic-Majkic K. - Integrante / Fa S. - Integrante / Kaisarevic S. - Integrante / Kovacevic R. - Coordenador / Orcic D. - Integrante / Teodorovic I. - Integrante / Planojevic I. - Integrante., Financiador(es): University Of Novi Sad - Auxílio financeiro.

  • 2006 - 2010

    ?Endocrine disruption chemicals ? effects on reproductive and thyroid function, environmental assessment by bioanalyses?,, Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. , Alunos envolvidos: Mestrado acadêmico: (7) Doutorado: (5) . , Integrantes: Vanja Dakic - Integrante / Pogrmic-Majkic K. - Integrante / Fa S. - Integrante / Kaisarevic S. - Integrante / Kovacevic R. - Coordenador / Teodorovic I. - Integrante / Gliisic B. - Integrante., Financiador(es): Faculty of Sciences - Auxílio financeiro.



Full Youth Travel Fund (YTF), FEBS Federation of European Biochemical Societies.


University of Novi Sad Awards for school years 2006/07 and 2007/08, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad.

Histórico profissional

Experiência profissional

2012 - 2016

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Vínculo: Bolsista, Enquadramento Funcional: estudante de doutorado, Carga horária: 40, Regime: Dedicação exclusiva.


  • 01/2012

    Pesquisa e desenvolvimento, Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas.,Linhas de pesquisa

2011 - 2011

University Of Novi Sad

Vínculo: Formal labor contract, Enquadramento Funcional: Research Assistant, Carga horária: 40


  • 11/2007 - 11/2008

    Pesquisa e desenvolvimento, Faculty of Sciences University.,Linhas de pesquisa

2008 - 2009

The University of Birmingham

Vínculo: Trainee, Enquadramento Funcional: Trainee, Carga horária: 40


  • 08/2009 - 09/2009

    Treinamentos ministrados , Biosciences.,Treinamentos ministrados, Q-PCR and molecular biology

  • 10/2008 - 11/2008

    Treinamentos ministrados , Biosciences.,Treinamentos ministrados, Q-PCR and molecular biology

2016 - Atual

L'ORÉAL Centro de Pesquisa e Inovação

Vínculo: Pesquisadora, Enquadramento Funcional: Pesquisadora plena, Carga horária: 40, Regime: Dedicação exclusiva.