Tom Fearn

Possui doutorado em Statistics and Computer Science pela University College London(1974). Atualmente é Senior Lecturer in Industrial Statistics da University College London, Membro de corpo editorial da Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Membro de corpo editorial da NIR News e Membro de corpo editorial da Journal of Chemometrics (Online). Tem experiência na área de Probabilidade e Estatística, com ênfase em Estatística.

Informações coletadas do Lattes em 26/11/2024


Formação acadêmica

Doutorado em Statistics and Computer Science

1972 - 1974

University College London
Título: A Bayesian Approach to Growth Curves
Orientador: D.V. Lindley

Mestrado em andamento em Statistics and Operational Research

1972 - Atual

Imperial College London - Charing Cross Campus

Áreas de atuação

Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra / Área: Probabilidade e Estatística / Subárea: Estatística.

Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra / Área: Matemática / Subárea: Mathematics.

Participação em eventos

16th International Conference on NIR Spectroscopy.Some comments on validation. 2013. (Outra).

14th International Conference on NIR Spectroscopy.A Bayesian Framework for NIR Calibration. 2009. (Outra).

2nd Workshop of NIR Spectroscopy.A comparative review of chemometric methods for NIR calibration. 2004. (Oficina).

. 22nd International Biometric Conference.Calibration transfer in NIR spectroscopy. 2004. (Outra).

21st NIR Forum.Classification and discrimination using spectral data. 2004. (Outra).

11th International Conference on NIR Spectroscopy.Recent developments and future trends in chemometric methods for quantitative and qualitative NIR analysis. 2003. (Outra).

Tomas Hirshfeld Award Lecture Pittcon. Chemometrics for near infrared spectroscopy. 2001. (Feira).

Eleventh International Diffuse Reflectance Conference.Making transferable calibrations. 2000. (Outra).

. Sixth Valencia International Meeting.Invited discussant of paper by Neal. 1998. (Encontro).

22nd European Meeting of Statisticians.A Bayesian approach to variable selection in multivariate calibration. 1998. (Encontro).

Ninth International Diffuse Reflectance Conference.Calibration using wavelets. 1998. (Outra).

Gordon Conference: Statistics in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.Feature selection in multivariate regression with applications to NIR spectroscopy. 1998. (Outra).

Fifth Valencia International Meeting.Invited discussant of paper by Fienberg and Finkelstein. 1994. (Encontro).

Fourth Valencia International Meeting.Invited discussant of paper by Brown and Makelainen. 1991. (Encontro).

Royal Statistical Society Conference. The analysis of growth curves from an animal trial. 1982. (Congresso).



Kenny; Undefined; Início: 2014; Tese (Doutorado em Statistics and Computer Science) - University College London; (Orientador);


Brown; Undefined; Início: 2014; Tese (Doutorado em Statistics and Computer Science) - University College London; (Orientador);


Kotti,; Undefined; Início: 2013; Tese (Doutorado em Statistics and Computer Science) - University College London; (Orientador);


Zhang; Quantification of Prediction Uncertainty for Principal Components Regression and Partial Least Squares Regression; 2014; Tese (Doutorado em Statistics and Computer Science) - University College London,; Orientador: Tom Fearn;


Zhu; Statistical Aspects of Elastic Scattering Spectroscopy with Applications to Cancer Diagnosis; 2009; Tese (Doutorado em Statistics and Computer Science) - University College London,; Orientador: Tom Fearn;


Andrew; Standardisation of Near Infrared Spectrophotometers; 2005; Tese (Doutorado em Statistics and Computer Science) - University College London,; Orientador: Tom Fearn;


Chang; Bayesian Regression and Discrimination with Many Variables; 2001; Tese (Doutorado em Statistics and Computer Science) - University College London,; Orientador: Tom Fearn;


Gilg; Bayesian Analysis of Animal Growth Curves; 1999; Tese (Doutorado em Statistics and Computer Science) - University College London,; Orientador: Tom Fearn;


J; A; Mertens; Efficient Cross-validatory Computations and Influence Measures for Principal Component and Partial Least Squares Decompositions with Applications in Chemometrics; 1995; Tese (Doutorado em Statistics and Computer Science) - University College London,; Orientador: Tom Fearn;


M; Olguin-Uribe; The Analysis of Unreplicated Factorial Experiments; 1994; Tese (Doutorado em Statistics and Computer Science) - University College London,; Orientador: Tom Fearn;

Produções bibliográficas

  • FERNÁNDEZ-AHUMADA, ELVIRA ; FEARN, TOM ; GÓMEZ-CABRERA, AUGUSTO ; GUERRERO-GINEL, JOSÉ EMILIO ; PÉREZ-MARÍN, DOLORES C. ; GARRIDO-VARO, ANA . Evaluation of Local Approaches to Obtain Accurate Near-Infrared (NIR) Equations for Prediction of Ingredient Composition of Compound Feeds. Applied Spectroscopy , v. 67, p. 924-929, 2013.

  • PINOTTI, L. ; FEARN, T. ; GULALP, S. ; CAMPAGNOLI, A. ; OTTOBONI, M. ; BALDI, A. ; CHELI, F. ; SAVOINI, G. ; DELL ORTO, V. . Computer image analysis: an additional tool for the identification of processed poultry and mammal protein containing bones. Food Additives & Contaminants. Part A. Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure & Risk Assessment (Print) , v. 30, p. 1745-1751, 2013.

  • SOLDADO, A. ; FEARN, T. ; MARTÍNEZ-FERNÁNDEZ, A. ; DE LA ROZA-DELGADO, B. . The transfer of NIR calibrations for undried grass silage from the laboratory to on-site instruments: Comparison of two approaches. Talanta (Oxford) , v. 105, p. 8-14, 2013.

  • PÉREZ-MARÍN, D. ; FEARN, T. ; GUERRERO, J.E. ; GARRIDO-VARO, A. . Improving NIRS predictions of ingredient composition in compound feedingstuffs using Bayesian non-parametric calibrations. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (Print) , v. 110, p. 108-112, 2012.

  • RICCIOLI, CECILIA ; PÉREZ-MARÍN, DOLORES ; GUERRERO-GINEL, JOSÉ ; FEARN, TOM ; GARRIDO-VARO, ANA . Detection and quantification of ruminant meal in processed animal proteins: a comparative study of near infrared spectroscopy and near infrared chemical imaging. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy , v. 20, p. 623, 2012.

  • THOMPSON, MICHAEL ; FEARN, TOM . A long-term look at homogeneity testing: prospects for a cheaper `quality control based test. Analytical Methods (Print) , v. 3, p. 2529, 2011.

Histórico profissional

Experiência profissional

1989 - Atual

University College London

Vínculo: Servidor Público, Enquadramento Funcional: Senior Lecturer in Industrial Statistics

1978 - 1989

University College London

Vínculo: Formal labor contract, Enquadramento Funcional: Head of Process Control and Math. Section

1976 - 1978

University College London

Vínculo: Formal labor contract, Enquadramento Funcional: Research Assistant

1975 - 1976

University College London

Vínculo: Colaborator, Enquadramento Funcional: Temporary Lecturer

1974 - 1975

University College London

Vínculo: Colaborator, Enquadramento Funcional: Temporary Lecturer