Francois Maria Leopold Peeters
O pesquisador Francois M. Peeters possui graduação em Física pela Catholic University of Leuven (KUL), doutorado em Física (Ph.D.) pela Universidade da Antuépia (UIA/BE) e Pós-Doutorado no Bell Laboratories (Murray Hill, NJ, USA).
É 'fellow' da American Physical Society (APS), eleito em Nov. 2005. É autor e co-autor de mais de 1000 artigos em periódicos internacionais (com sistema de "referee"). Tem mais de 21.500 citações na literatura internacional, possuindo um fator-H = 67. Já foi convidado como palestrante para mais de 100 conferências internacionais.
É chefe do grupo de pesquisa "Condensed Matter Theory" da Universidade da Antuérpia, que consiste atualmente de 16 estudantes de doutorado e 8 estudantes de pós-doutorado. É membro do corpo editorial dos periódicos: "Physica B", "Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", "Microelectronics Journal" e "Solid State Comm.".
Informações coletadas do Lattes em 16/07/2022
Formação acadêmica
Doutorado em Física
1977 - 1982
University of Antwerp
Título: Generalization of the Feynman polaron theory to arbitrary magnetic field strength and arbitrary temperature
Orientador: Prof. dr. J.T. Devreese
1982 - 1983
Pós-Doutorado. , At & T Bell Laboratories.
Compreende Bem, Fala Bem, Lê Bem, Escreve Bem.
Compreende Bem, Fala Bem, Lê Bem, Escreve Bem.
Compreende Bem, Fala Bem, Lê Bem, Escreve Bem.
Áreas de atuação
Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra / Área: Física / Subárea: Física da Matéria Condensada.
Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra / Área: Física / Subárea: Física da Matéria Condensada/Especialidade: Estados Eletrônicos.
Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra / Área: Física / Subárea: Física da Matéria Condensada/Especialidade: Propriedades de Transportes de Matéria Condensada (Não Eletrônica).
Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra / Área: Física / Subárea: Física da Matéria Condensada/Especialidade: Supercondutividade.
Elmuradov; Study of non stationary states in current carrying superconductors within the framework of the extended time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau; 2008; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Slachmuylders; A theoretical study of excitons and impurities in freestanding nanowires; 2008; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Nelissen; Static and dynamical properties of classical one-dimensional and two-dimensional Wigner-like clusters; 2008; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Structural and dynamical properties of finite size two- and three-dimensional Wigner crystals; 2008; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Estudo de sistemas bi-dimenionais de particulas classicas; 2008; Tese (Doutorado em Pós Graduação em Física) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior; Coorientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Sidor; Theoretical study of excitons in semiconductor quantum wires and related systems; 2007; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Mlinar; Electronic structure calculation of single and coupled self-assembled quantum dots; 2007; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Berdiyorov; Vortex structure and critical parameters in superconducting thin films with arrays of pinning centers; 2007; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Propriedades da Materia de vortices em supercondutores mesoscopicos tridimensionais; 2007; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,; Coorientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Krstajic; Magnetism and tunnelling in diluted magnetic semiconductor structures; 2006; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Piacente; Static and dynamical properties of classic quasi-one-dimensional Wigner crystals; 2005; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Milosevic; Vortex matter in mesoscopic superconductor/ferromagnet heterosystems; 2004; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Kong; Static and dynamical properties of classical two-dimensional clusters; 2004; Tese (Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Structural, dynamical and thermal proprerties of 2D classical clusters of charged particles; 2004; Tese (Doutorado em doutorado em fisica) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior; Coorientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Janssens; Self-assembled quantum dots: A theoretical study of the exciton in single and vertically coupled type-II quantum dots; 2003; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Baelus; Vortex matter in mesoscopic superconductors: A theoretical study of the critical parameters and the vortex configuration in single and multiply connected mesoscopic superconductors; 2002; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Riva; Coulomb-bound few-particles states in semiconductor quantum wells; 2001; Tese (Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Reijniers; Inhomogeneous magnetic fields: A theoretical study of their effects on the transport properties of a two-dimensional electron gas; 2001; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Partoens; Artificial Molecules: A theoretical study of electron correlations in two vertically coupled quantum dots; 2000; Tese (Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Freire; Excitons in nonhomogeneous magnetic fields; 2000; Tese (Doutorado em doutorado em fisica) - Universidade Federal do Ceará,; Coorientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Ibrahim; Micro-inhomogeneous magnetic fields and their effects on a two-dimensional electron gas; 1998; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;
Produções bibliográficas
Hao, Y. L. ; Djotyan, A. P. ; Avetisyan, A. A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Shallow donor states near a semiconductor-insulator-metal interface. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 80, p. 035329, 2009.
Croitoru, M. D. ; Shanenko, A. A. ; Kaun, C. C. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Superconducting nanowires: interplay of discrete transverse modes with supercurrent. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 80, p. 024513, 2009.
Leenaerts, O. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Water on graphene: hydrophobicity and dipole moment. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 235440, 2009.
Szafran, B. ; Nowak, M.P. ; Bednarek, S. ; Chwiej, T. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Selective suppression of Dresselhaus or Rashba spin-orbit coupling effects by the Zeeman interaction in quantum dots. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 235303, 2009.
Lin, N. S. ; Misko, V. R. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Unconventional vortex dynamics in mesoscopic superconducting Corbino disks. Physical Review Letters , v. 102, p. 197003, 2009.
Berdiyorov, G. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Kinematic vortex-antivortex lines in strongly-driven superconducting stripes. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 184506, 2009.
Matulis, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Analogy between one-dimensional chain models and Graphene. American Journal of Physics , v. 77, p. 595, 2009.
Yang, W. ; Nelissen, K. ; Kong, M. ; Zheng, Z. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Structure of binary colloidal systems confined in a quasi-one-dimensional channel. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics , v. 79, p. 041406, 2009.
GEURTS, R. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Second generation of vortex-antivortex states in mesoscopic superconductors: Stabilization by artificial pinning. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 174508, 2009.
MASIR, M. R. ; Matulis, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Quasi-bound states of Schrödinger and Dirac electrons in magnetic quantum dot. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 155451, 2009.
Berdiyorov, G. ; ELMURODOV, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; VODOLAZOV, D. . Finite size effect on the resistive state in a mesoscopic type-II superconducting stripe. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 174506, 2009.
PEREIRA JR., J. M. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; VASILOPOULOS, P. ; COSTA FILHO, R. N. ; FARIAS, G. A. . Landau levels in graphene bilayer quantum dots. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 195403, 2009.
PAPP, G. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Magneto-ballistic transport through micro-structured junctions on a curved two-dimensional electron gas. Solid State Communications , v. 149, p. 778-780, 2009.
TADIC, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Excitonic properties of strained triple nanoring molecules. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 153305, 2009.
TOMECKA, D. ; KAMIENIARZ, G. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Ground state configurations and melting of two-dimensional non-uniformly charged classical clusters. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter , v. 21, p. 155301, 2009.
BARBIER, M. ; VASILOPOULOS, P. ; PEREIRA JR., J. M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Bilayer graphene with single and multiple electrostatic barriers: Band structure and transmission. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 155402, 2009.
ARISKIN, D. A. ; SCHWEIGERT, I. ; ALEXANDROV, A. ; BOGAERTS, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Modeling of chemical processes in the low pressure capacitive RF discharges in a mixture of Ar/C2H2. Journal of Applied Physics , v. 105, p. 063305, 2009.
LI, B. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; MAGNUS, W. . Dielectric mismatch effect on coupled shallow impurity states in a semiconductor nanowire. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 085306, 2009.
KALINA, R. ; Szafran, B. ; Bednarek, S. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Magnetic-field asymmetry of electron wave packet transmission in bent channels capacitively coupled to a metal gate. Physical Review Letters , v. 102, p. 066807, 2009.
XU, W. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; LU, T. . Dependence of resistivity on electron density and temperature in graphene. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 073403, 2009.
MASIR, M. R. ; VASILOPOULOS, P. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Tunneling, conductance, and wavevector confinement through magnetic barriers in bilayer graphene. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 035409, 2009.
Avetisyan, A. A. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Electric field tuning of the band gap in graphene multilayers. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 035421, 2009.
Misko, V. R. ; ZHAO, H. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; OBOZNOV, V. ; DUBONOS, S. ; GRIGORIEVA, I. . Formation of vortex shells in mesoscopic superconducting squares. Superconductor Science and Technology , v. 22, p. 034001, 2009.
XU, W. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Vortex matter in oblate mesoscopic superconductors with a hole: broken symmetry vortex states and multi-vortex entry. New Journal of Physics , v. 11, p. 013020, 2009.
Berdiyorov, G. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Composite vortex ordering in superconducting films with arrays of blind holes. New Journal of Physics , v. 11, p. 013025, 2009.
POGOSOV, W. ; Misko, V. R. ; ZHAO, H. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Collective vortex phases in periodic plus random pinning potential. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 014504, 2009.
ELMURODOV, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; VODOLAZOV, D. ; MICHOTTE, S. ; ADAM, S. ; HORNE, F. M. ; PIRAUX, L. ; LUCOT, D. ; MAILLY, D. . Phase-slip phenomena in NbN superconducting nanowires with leads. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 214519, 2009.
PEREIRA JR., J. M. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; COSTA FILHO, R. N. ; FARIAS, G. A. . Valley polarization of tunneling electrons in graphene due to trigonal warping. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter , v. 21, p. 045301, 2009.
KOSIMOV, D. ; DZHURAKHALOV, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Theoretical study of the stable states of small carbond clusters Cn (n=2-10). Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 235433, 2008.
MASIR, M. R. ; VASILOPOULOS, P. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Wavevector filtering through single-layer and bilayer graphene with magnetic barrier structures. Applied Physics Letters , v. 93, p. 242103, 2008.
NGUYEN, N. T. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Cyclotron resonance of a magnetic quantum dot. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 245311, 2008.
CASTELANO, L. ; HAI, G. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Control of the persistent currents in two interacting quantum rings through the Coulomb interaction and inter-ring tunneling. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 195315, 2008.
Leenaerts, O. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Graphene: a perfect nanoballoon. Applied Physics Letters , v. 93, p. 193107, 2008.
GEURTS, R. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Topologically trapped vortex molecules in Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review. A , v. 78, p. 053610, 2008.
Milosevic, M. V. ; TADIC, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Effects of lateral asymmetry on electronic structure of strained semiconductor nanorings in a magnetic field. Nanotechnology (Bristol) , v. 19, p. 455401, 2008.
ALEXANDROV, A. ; SCHWEIGERT, I. ; PEETERS, F. M. . A non-Maxwellian kinetic approach for charging of dust particles in a discharge plasma. New Journal of Physics , v. 10, p. 093025, 2008.
ZHAO, H. ; Misko, V. R. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; OBOZNOV, V. ; DUBONOS, S. ; GRIGORIEVA, I. . Vortex states in mesoscopic superconducting squares: formation of vortex shells. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 104517, 2008.
ZHAO, H. ; ZHA, G. ; ZHOU, S. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Long-range Coulomb repulsion effect on charged vortex in high-temperature superconductors with competing d-waves and antiferromagnetic orders. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 064504, 2008.
KALMAN, O. ; FOLDI, P. ; BENEDICT, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Magnetoconductance of rectangular arrays of quantum rings. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 125306, 2008.
Nowak, M.P. ; Szafran, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Manipulation of two electron states by the electric field in stacked self-assembled dots. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter , v. 20, p. 395225, 2008.
MUNARIN, F. ; FERREIRA, W. ; FARIAS, G. A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Ground state and normal-mode spectra of a two-dimensional system of dipole particles confined in a parabolic trap. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics , v. 78, p. 031405, 2008.
SCHWEIGERT, I. ; ALEXANDROV, A. ; ARISKIN, D. A. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; STEFANOVIC, I. ; KOVACEVIC, E. ; BERNDT, J. ; WINTER, J. . Effect of transport on growing nanoparticles on ccrf discharge dynamics. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics , v. 78, p. 026410, 2008.
DORIA, M. ; BRANDT, E. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Magnetization of a superconducting film in a perpendicular magnetic field. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 054407, 2008.
KALMAN, O. ; FOLDI, P. ; BENEDICT, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Networks of quantum nanorings: programmable spintronic devices. Nano Letters , v. 8, p. 2556-2558, 2008.
Shanenko, A. A. ; Croitoru, M. D. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Superconducting nanofilms: Andreev-type states induced by quantum confinement. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 054505, 2008.
NGUYEN, N. T. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Magnetic field dependence of the many-electron states in a magnetic quantum dot: The ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic transition. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 045321, 2008.
ZHANG, Z. ; Chang, K. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Tuning of energy levels and optical properties of graphene quantum dots. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 235411, 2008.
Shanenko, A. A. ; Croitoru, M. D. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Magnetic field induced quantum-size cascades in superconducting nanowires. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 024505, 2008.
Leenaerts, O. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Paramagnetic adsorbates on graphene: a charge transfer analysis. Applied Physics Letters , v. 92, p. 243125, 2008.
APOLINARIO, S. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Melting of anisotropically confined Coulomb balls. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 024202, 2008.
MASIR, M. R. ; VASILOPOULOS, P. ; Matulis, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Direction-dependent tunneling through nanostructured magnetic barriers in graphene. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 235443, 2008.
DONG, H. ; XU, W. ; ZENG, Z. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Quantum and transport conductivities in monolayer graphene. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 235402, 2008.
ZHAO, H. ; Misko, V. R. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; GRIGORIEVA, I. . Vortex configurations in mesoscopic superconducting triangles: finite-size and shape effects. Europhysics Letters , v. 83, p. 17008, 2008.
KRSTAJIC, P. ; KELLER, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Spin torque effects in metallic magnetic multilayers in the ballistic regime. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 174428, 2008.
ROUAGIGUIA, L. ; DJEBLI, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Random charge fluctuation effect on strongly correlated dust particles confined in two dimensions. Physics Letters A , v. 372, p. 4487-4492, 2008.
SIDOR, Y. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Influence of the shape and size of a quantum wire on the trion binding energy. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 205413, 2008.
SILHANEK, A. ; VONDEL, J. V. ; MOSHCHALKOV, V. ; LEO, A. ; METLUSHKO, V. ; ILIC, B. ; Misko, V. R. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Comment on "Transverse rectification in superconducting thin films with arrays of asymmetric defects" [Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 062505 (2007)]. Applied Physics Letters , v. 92, p. 176101, 2008.
XU, W. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Magnetic properties of vortex states in spherical superconductors. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 144509, 2008.
ZHANG, Z. ; Partoens, B. ; Chang, K. ; PEETERS, F. M. . First principles study of transition metal impurities in Si. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 155201, 2008.
Szafran, B. ; BARCZYK, E. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Exciton spectra in vertical stacks of triple and quadruple quantum dots in an electric field. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 115441, 2008.
LI, B. ; SLACHMUYLDERS, A. ; Partoens, B. ; MAGNUS, W. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Dielectric mismatch effect on shallow impurity states in a nanowire. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 115335, 2008.
Matulis, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Quasi-bound states of quantum dots in single and bilayer graphene. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 115423, 2008.
Leenaerts, O. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Adsorption of H2O, NH3, CO, NO2 and NO on graphene. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 125416, 2008.
MUNARIN, F. ; Nelissen, K. ; FERREIRA, W. ; FARIAS, G. A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Hysteresis and re-entrant melting of a self-organized system of classical particles confined in a parabolic trap. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics , v. 77, p. 031608, 2008.
SLACHMUYLDERS, A. ; Partoens, B. ; MAGNUS, W. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Effect of a metallic gate on the energy levels of a shallow donor. Applied Physics Letters , v. 92, p. 083104, 2008.
CHEN, Y. ; DORIA, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Vortices in a mesoscopic cone - a superconducting tip in the presence of an applied field. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 054511, 2008.
BARBIER, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; VASILOPOULOS, P. ; PEREIRA JR., J. M. . Dirac and Klein-Gordon particles in one-dimensional periodic potentials. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 115446, 2008.
ANISIMOVAS, E. ; TAVERNIER, M. B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Electron-vortex separation in quantum dots. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 045327, 2008.
Berdiyorov, G. ; Misko, V. R. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; ESCOFFIER, W. ; GRIGORIEVA, I. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Pillars as anti-pinning centers in superconducting films. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 024526, 2008.
REDLINSKI, P. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Optical properties of free-standing GaAs semiconductor nanowires and their dependence on the growth direction. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 075329, 2008.
FERREIRA, W. ; CARVALHO, J. C. N. ; OLIVEIRA, P. W. S. ; FARIAS, G. A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Structural and dynamical properties of a quasi-one-dimensional classical binary system. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 014112, 2008.
APOLINARIO, S. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Multiple rings in a 3D anisotropic Wigner crystal: structural and dynamical properties. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 035321, 2008.
FOLDI, P. ; BENEDICT, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Dynamics of periodic anticrossings: decoherence, pointer states and hysteresis curves. Physical Review. A , v. 77, p. 013406, 2008.
RAMOS, A. C. A. ; CHAVES, A. ; FARIAS, G. A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Electronic states above a helium film suspended on a ring-shaped substrate. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 045415, 2008.
R. N. Costa Filho ; FARIAS, G. A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Graphene ribbons with a line of impurities: opening of a gap. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 76, p. 193409, 2007.
Milosevic, M. V. ; Berdiyorov, G. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Fluxonic cellular automata. Applied Physics Letters , v. 91, p. 212501, 2007.
SILHANEK, A. ; GILLIJNS, W. ; Volodin A. ; MOSHCHALKOV, V. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Optimization of the superconducting critical parameters by tuning the size and magnetization of arrays of magnetic dots. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 76, p. 100502(R), 2007.
Nelissen, K. ; Misko, V. R. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Single file diffusion of interacting particles in a one-dimensional channel. Europhysics Letters , v. 80, p. 56004, 2007.
SIDOR, Y. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; MAES, J. ; HAYNE, M. ; FUSTER, D. ; GONZALEZ, Y. ; GONZALEZ, L. ; MOSHCHALKOV, V. . Exciton confinement in InAs/InP quantum wires and quantum wells in the presence of a magnetic field. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 76, p. 195320, 2007.
GILLIJNS, W. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; SILHANEK, A. ; MOSHCHALKOV, V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Influence of magnet size on magnetically engineered field-induced superconductivity. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 76, p. 184516, 2007.
Szafran, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Signatures of lateral coupling of double quantum dots in the exciton photoluminescence spectrum. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 76, p. 195442, 2007.
Histórico profissional
Endereço profissional
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências, Departamento de Física. , Departamento de Física, Campus do Pici, 60455-760 - Fortaleza, CE - Brasil - Caixa-postal: 6030
Experiência profissional
2005 - 2006
University of Notre DameVínculo: Professor Visitante, Enquadramento Funcional: Professor visitante
1988 - 1992
University of AntwerpVínculo: Servidor Público, Enquadramento Funcional: Bevoegdverklaard Navorser
2000 - 2001
Max-Planck-Institut Fur Physik Komplexer SystemeVínculo: Professor Visitante, Enquadramento Funcional: Professor visitante
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Nossos robôs irão buscar nos nossos bancos de dados todos os processos de Francois Maria Leopold Peeters e sempre que o nome aparecer em publicações dos Diários Oficiais, avisaremos por e-mail e pelo painel do usuário
Criando um monitoramento
Nossos robôs irão buscar nos nossos bancos de dados todas as movimentações desse processo e sempre que o processo aparecer em publicações dos Diários Oficiais e nos Tribunais, avisaremos por e-mail e pelo painel do usuário
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