Francois Maria Leopold Peeters

O pesquisador Francois M. Peeters possui graduação em Física pela Catholic University of Leuven (KUL), doutorado em Física (Ph.D.) pela Universidade da Antuépia (UIA/BE) e Pós-Doutorado no Bell Laboratories (Murray Hill, NJ, USA). É 'fellow' da American Physical Society (APS), eleito em Nov. 2005. É autor e co-autor de mais de 1000 artigos em periódicos internacionais (com sistema de "referee"). Tem mais de 21.500 citações na literatura internacional, possuindo um fator-H = 67. Já foi convidado como palestrante para mais de 100 conferências internacionais. É chefe do grupo de pesquisa "Condensed Matter Theory" da Universidade da Antuérpia, que consiste atualmente de 16 estudantes de doutorado e 8 estudantes de pós-doutorado. É membro do corpo editorial dos periódicos: "Physica B", "Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", "Microelectronics Journal" e "Solid State Comm.".

Informações coletadas do Lattes em 16/07/2022


Formação acadêmica

Doutorado em Física

1977 - 1982

University of Antwerp
Título: Generalization of the Feynman polaron theory to arbitrary magnetic field strength and arbitrary temperature
Orientador: Prof. dr. J.T. Devreese

Graduação em Física

1975 - 1977

Catholic University Leuven
Orientador: Prof. dr. R. Gastmans


1982 - 1983

Pós-Doutorado. , At & T Bell Laboratories.


Bandeira representando o idioma Inglês

Compreende Bem, Fala Bem, Lê Bem, Escreve Bem.

Bandeira representando o idioma Francês

Compreende Bem, Fala Bem, Lê Bem, Escreve Bem.

Bandeira representando o idioma Holandês

Compreende Bem, Fala Bem, Lê Bem, Escreve Bem.

Áreas de atuação

Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra / Área: Física / Subárea: Física da Matéria Condensada.

Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra / Área: Física / Subárea: Física da Matéria Condensada/Especialidade: Estados Eletrônicos.

Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra / Área: Física / Subárea: Física da Matéria Condensada/Especialidade: Propriedades de Transportes de Matéria Condensada (Não Eletrônica).

Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra / Área: Física / Subárea: Física da Matéria Condensada/Especialidade: Supercondutividade.



Elmuradov; Study of non stationary states in current carrying superconductors within the framework of the extended time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau; 2008; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Slachmuylders; A theoretical study of excitons and impurities in freestanding nanowires; 2008; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Nelissen; Static and dynamical properties of classical one-dimensional and two-dimensional Wigner-like clusters; 2008; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;

Sergio Apolinário

Structural and dynamical properties of finite size two- and three-dimensional Wigner crystals; 2008; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;

Felipe de Freitas Munarin

Estudo de sistemas bi-dimenionais de particulas classicas; 2008; Tese (Doutorado em Pós Graduação em Física) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior; Coorientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Sidor; Theoretical study of excitons in semiconductor quantum wires and related systems; 2007; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Mlinar; Electronic structure calculation of single and coupled self-assembled quantum dots; 2007; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Berdiyorov; Vortex structure and critical parameters in superconducting thin films with arrays of pinning centers; 2007; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;

A R D Romaguera

Propriedades da Materia de vortices em supercondutores mesoscopicos tridimensionais; 2007; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,; Coorientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Krstajic; Magnetism and tunnelling in diluted magnetic semiconductor structures; 2006; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Piacente; Static and dynamical properties of classic quasi-one-dimensional Wigner crystals; 2005; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Milosevic; Vortex matter in mesoscopic superconductor/ferromagnet heterosystems; 2004; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Kong; Static and dynamical properties of classical two-dimensional clusters; 2004; Tese (Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;

Wandemberg Paiva Ferreira

Structural, dynamical and thermal proprerties of 2D classical clusters of charged particles; 2004; Tese (Doutorado em doutorado em fisica) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior; Coorientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Janssens; Self-assembled quantum dots: A theoretical study of the exciton in single and vertically coupled type-II quantum dots; 2003; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Baelus; Vortex matter in mesoscopic superconductors: A theoretical study of the critical parameters and the vortex configuration in single and multiply connected mesoscopic superconductors; 2002; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Riva; Coulomb-bound few-particles states in semiconductor quantum wells; 2001; Tese (Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Reijniers; Inhomogeneous magnetic fields: A theoretical study of their effects on the transport properties of a two-dimensional electron gas; 2001; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Partoens; Artificial Molecules: A theoretical study of electron correlations in two vertically coupled quantum dots; 2000; Tese (Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Freire; Excitons in nonhomogeneous magnetic fields; 2000; Tese (Doutorado em doutorado em fisica) - Universidade Federal do Ceará,; Coorientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;


Ibrahim; Micro-inhomogeneous magnetic fields and their effects on a two-dimensional electron gas; 1998; Tese (Doutorado em Doutorado em Física) - University of Antwerp,; Orientador: Francois Maria Leopold Peeters;

Produções bibliográficas

  • Hao, Y. L. ; Djotyan, A. P. ; Avetisyan, A. A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Shallow donor states near a semiconductor-insulator-metal interface. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 80, p. 035329, 2009.

  • Croitoru, M. D. ; Shanenko, A. A. ; Kaun, C. C. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Superconducting nanowires: interplay of discrete transverse modes with supercurrent. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 80, p. 024513, 2009.

  • Leenaerts, O. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Water on graphene: hydrophobicity and dipole moment. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 235440, 2009.

  • Szafran, B. ; Nowak, M.P. ; Bednarek, S. ; Chwiej, T. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Selective suppression of Dresselhaus or Rashba spin-orbit coupling effects by the Zeeman interaction in quantum dots. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 235303, 2009.

  • Lin, N. S. ; Misko, V. R. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Unconventional vortex dynamics in mesoscopic superconducting Corbino disks. Physical Review Letters , v. 102, p. 197003, 2009.

  • Berdiyorov, G. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Kinematic vortex-antivortex lines in strongly-driven superconducting stripes. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 184506, 2009.

  • Matulis, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Analogy between one-dimensional chain models and Graphene. American Journal of Physics , v. 77, p. 595, 2009.

  • Yang, W. ; Nelissen, K. ; Kong, M. ; Zheng, Z. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Structure of binary colloidal systems confined in a quasi-one-dimensional channel. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics , v. 79, p. 041406, 2009.

  • GEURTS, R. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Second generation of vortex-antivortex states in mesoscopic superconductors: Stabilization by artificial pinning. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 174508, 2009.

  • MASIR, M. R. ; Matulis, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Quasi-bound states of Schrödinger and Dirac electrons in magnetic quantum dot. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 155451, 2009.

  • Berdiyorov, G. ; ELMURODOV, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; VODOLAZOV, D. . Finite size effect on the resistive state in a mesoscopic type-II superconducting stripe. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 174506, 2009.

  • PEREIRA JR., J. M. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; VASILOPOULOS, P. ; COSTA FILHO, R. N. ; FARIAS, G. A. . Landau levels in graphene bilayer quantum dots. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 195403, 2009.

  • PAPP, G. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Magneto-ballistic transport through micro-structured junctions on a curved two-dimensional electron gas. Solid State Communications , v. 149, p. 778-780, 2009.

  • TADIC, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Excitonic properties of strained triple nanoring molecules. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 153305, 2009.

  • TOMECKA, D. ; KAMIENIARZ, G. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Ground state configurations and melting of two-dimensional non-uniformly charged classical clusters. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter , v. 21, p. 155301, 2009.

  • BARBIER, M. ; VASILOPOULOS, P. ; PEREIRA JR., J. M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Bilayer graphene with single and multiple electrostatic barriers: Band structure and transmission. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 155402, 2009.

  • ARISKIN, D. A. ; SCHWEIGERT, I. ; ALEXANDROV, A. ; BOGAERTS, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Modeling of chemical processes in the low pressure capacitive RF discharges in a mixture of Ar/C2H2. Journal of Applied Physics , v. 105, p. 063305, 2009.

  • LI, B. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; MAGNUS, W. . Dielectric mismatch effect on coupled shallow impurity states in a semiconductor nanowire. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 085306, 2009.

  • KALINA, R. ; Szafran, B. ; Bednarek, S. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Magnetic-field asymmetry of electron wave packet transmission in bent channels capacitively coupled to a metal gate. Physical Review Letters , v. 102, p. 066807, 2009.

  • XU, W. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; LU, T. . Dependence of resistivity on electron density and temperature in graphene. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 073403, 2009.

  • MASIR, M. R. ; VASILOPOULOS, P. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Tunneling, conductance, and wavevector confinement through magnetic barriers in bilayer graphene. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 035409, 2009.

  • Avetisyan, A. A. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Electric field tuning of the band gap in graphene multilayers. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 035421, 2009.

  • Misko, V. R. ; ZHAO, H. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; OBOZNOV, V. ; DUBONOS, S. ; GRIGORIEVA, I. . Formation of vortex shells in mesoscopic superconducting squares. Superconductor Science and Technology , v. 22, p. 034001, 2009.

  • XU, W. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Vortex matter in oblate mesoscopic superconductors with a hole: broken symmetry vortex states and multi-vortex entry. New Journal of Physics , v. 11, p. 013020, 2009.

  • Berdiyorov, G. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Composite vortex ordering in superconducting films with arrays of blind holes. New Journal of Physics , v. 11, p. 013025, 2009.

  • POGOSOV, W. ; Misko, V. R. ; ZHAO, H. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Collective vortex phases in periodic plus random pinning potential. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 79, p. 014504, 2009.

  • ELMURODOV, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; VODOLAZOV, D. ; MICHOTTE, S. ; ADAM, S. ; HORNE, F. M. ; PIRAUX, L. ; LUCOT, D. ; MAILLY, D. . Phase-slip phenomena in NbN superconducting nanowires with leads. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 214519, 2009.

  • PEREIRA JR., J. M. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; COSTA FILHO, R. N. ; FARIAS, G. A. . Valley polarization of tunneling electrons in graphene due to trigonal warping. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter , v. 21, p. 045301, 2009.

  • KOSIMOV, D. ; DZHURAKHALOV, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Theoretical study of the stable states of small carbond clusters Cn (n=2-10). Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 235433, 2008.

  • MASIR, M. R. ; VASILOPOULOS, P. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Wavevector filtering through single-layer and bilayer graphene with magnetic barrier structures. Applied Physics Letters , v. 93, p. 242103, 2008.

  • NGUYEN, N. T. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Cyclotron resonance of a magnetic quantum dot. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 245311, 2008.

  • CASTELANO, L. ; HAI, G. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Control of the persistent currents in two interacting quantum rings through the Coulomb interaction and inter-ring tunneling. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 195315, 2008.

  • Leenaerts, O. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Graphene: a perfect nanoballoon. Applied Physics Letters , v. 93, p. 193107, 2008.

  • GEURTS, R. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Topologically trapped vortex molecules in Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review. A , v. 78, p. 053610, 2008.

  • Milosevic, M. V. ; TADIC, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Effects of lateral asymmetry on electronic structure of strained semiconductor nanorings in a magnetic field. Nanotechnology (Bristol) , v. 19, p. 455401, 2008.

  • ALEXANDROV, A. ; SCHWEIGERT, I. ; PEETERS, F. M. . A non-Maxwellian kinetic approach for charging of dust particles in a discharge plasma. New Journal of Physics , v. 10, p. 093025, 2008.

  • ZHAO, H. ; Misko, V. R. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; OBOZNOV, V. ; DUBONOS, S. ; GRIGORIEVA, I. . Vortex states in mesoscopic superconducting squares: formation of vortex shells. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 104517, 2008.

  • ZHAO, H. ; ZHA, G. ; ZHOU, S. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Long-range Coulomb repulsion effect on charged vortex in high-temperature superconductors with competing d-waves and antiferromagnetic orders. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 064504, 2008.

  • KALMAN, O. ; FOLDI, P. ; BENEDICT, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Magnetoconductance of rectangular arrays of quantum rings. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 125306, 2008.

  • Nowak, M.P. ; Szafran, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Manipulation of two electron states by the electric field in stacked self-assembled dots. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter , v. 20, p. 395225, 2008.

  • MUNARIN, F. ; FERREIRA, W. ; FARIAS, G. A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Ground state and normal-mode spectra of a two-dimensional system of dipole particles confined in a parabolic trap. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics , v. 78, p. 031405, 2008.

  • SCHWEIGERT, I. ; ALEXANDROV, A. ; ARISKIN, D. A. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; STEFANOVIC, I. ; KOVACEVIC, E. ; BERNDT, J. ; WINTER, J. . Effect of transport on growing nanoparticles on ccrf discharge dynamics. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics , v. 78, p. 026410, 2008.

  • DORIA, M. ; BRANDT, E. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Magnetization of a superconducting film in a perpendicular magnetic field. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 054407, 2008.

  • KALMAN, O. ; FOLDI, P. ; BENEDICT, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Networks of quantum nanorings: programmable spintronic devices. Nano Letters , v. 8, p. 2556-2558, 2008.

  • Shanenko, A. A. ; Croitoru, M. D. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Superconducting nanofilms: Andreev-type states induced by quantum confinement. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 054505, 2008.

  • NGUYEN, N. T. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Magnetic field dependence of the many-electron states in a magnetic quantum dot: The ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic transition. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 045321, 2008.

  • ZHANG, Z. ; Chang, K. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Tuning of energy levels and optical properties of graphene quantum dots. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 235411, 2008.

  • Shanenko, A. A. ; Croitoru, M. D. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Magnetic field induced quantum-size cascades in superconducting nanowires. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 024505, 2008.

  • Leenaerts, O. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Paramagnetic adsorbates on graphene: a charge transfer analysis. Applied Physics Letters , v. 92, p. 243125, 2008.

  • APOLINARIO, S. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Melting of anisotropically confined Coulomb balls. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 78, p. 024202, 2008.

  • MASIR, M. R. ; VASILOPOULOS, P. ; Matulis, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Direction-dependent tunneling through nanostructured magnetic barriers in graphene. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 235443, 2008.

  • DONG, H. ; XU, W. ; ZENG, Z. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Quantum and transport conductivities in monolayer graphene. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 235402, 2008.

  • ZHAO, H. ; Misko, V. R. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; GRIGORIEVA, I. . Vortex configurations in mesoscopic superconducting triangles: finite-size and shape effects. Europhysics Letters , v. 83, p. 17008, 2008.

  • KRSTAJIC, P. ; KELLER, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Spin torque effects in metallic magnetic multilayers in the ballistic regime. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 174428, 2008.

  • ROUAGIGUIA, L. ; DJEBLI, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Random charge fluctuation effect on strongly correlated dust particles confined in two dimensions. Physics Letters A , v. 372, p. 4487-4492, 2008.

  • SIDOR, Y. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Influence of the shape and size of a quantum wire on the trion binding energy. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 205413, 2008.

  • SILHANEK, A. ; VONDEL, J. V. ; MOSHCHALKOV, V. ; LEO, A. ; METLUSHKO, V. ; ILIC, B. ; Misko, V. R. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Comment on "Transverse rectification in superconducting thin films with arrays of asymmetric defects" [Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 062505 (2007)]. Applied Physics Letters , v. 92, p. 176101, 2008.

  • XU, W. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Magnetic properties of vortex states in spherical superconductors. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 144509, 2008.

  • ZHANG, Z. ; Partoens, B. ; Chang, K. ; PEETERS, F. M. . First principles study of transition metal impurities in Si. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 155201, 2008.

  • Szafran, B. ; BARCZYK, E. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Exciton spectra in vertical stacks of triple and quadruple quantum dots in an electric field. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 115441, 2008.

  • LI, B. ; SLACHMUYLDERS, A. ; Partoens, B. ; MAGNUS, W. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Dielectric mismatch effect on shallow impurity states in a nanowire. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 115335, 2008.

  • Matulis, A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Quasi-bound states of quantum dots in single and bilayer graphene. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 115423, 2008.

  • Leenaerts, O. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Adsorption of H2O, NH3, CO, NO2 and NO on graphene. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 125416, 2008.

  • MUNARIN, F. ; Nelissen, K. ; FERREIRA, W. ; FARIAS, G. A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Hysteresis and re-entrant melting of a self-organized system of classical particles confined in a parabolic trap. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics , v. 77, p. 031608, 2008.

  • SLACHMUYLDERS, A. ; Partoens, B. ; MAGNUS, W. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Effect of a metallic gate on the energy levels of a shallow donor. Applied Physics Letters , v. 92, p. 083104, 2008.

  • CHEN, Y. ; DORIA, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Vortices in a mesoscopic cone - a superconducting tip in the presence of an applied field. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 054511, 2008.

  • BARBIER, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; VASILOPOULOS, P. ; PEREIRA JR., J. M. . Dirac and Klein-Gordon particles in one-dimensional periodic potentials. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 115446, 2008.

  • ANISIMOVAS, E. ; TAVERNIER, M. B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Electron-vortex separation in quantum dots. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 045327, 2008.

  • Berdiyorov, G. ; Misko, V. R. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; ESCOFFIER, W. ; GRIGORIEVA, I. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Pillars as anti-pinning centers in superconducting films. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 024526, 2008.

  • REDLINSKI, P. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Optical properties of free-standing GaAs semiconductor nanowires and their dependence on the growth direction. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 075329, 2008.

  • FERREIRA, W. ; CARVALHO, J. C. N. ; OLIVEIRA, P. W. S. ; FARIAS, G. A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Structural and dynamical properties of a quasi-one-dimensional classical binary system. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 014112, 2008.

  • APOLINARIO, S. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Multiple rings in a 3D anisotropic Wigner crystal: structural and dynamical properties. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 035321, 2008.

  • FOLDI, P. ; BENEDICT, M. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Dynamics of periodic anticrossings: decoherence, pointer states and hysteresis curves. Physical Review. A , v. 77, p. 013406, 2008.

  • RAMOS, A. C. A. ; CHAVES, A. ; FARIAS, G. A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Electronic states above a helium film suspended on a ring-shaped substrate. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 77, p. 045415, 2008.

  • R. N. Costa Filho ; FARIAS, G. A. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Graphene ribbons with a line of impurities: opening of a gap. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 76, p. 193409, 2007.

  • Milosevic, M. V. ; Berdiyorov, G. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Fluxonic cellular automata. Applied Physics Letters , v. 91, p. 212501, 2007.

  • SILHANEK, A. ; GILLIJNS, W. ; Volodin A. ; MOSHCHALKOV, V. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Optimization of the superconducting critical parameters by tuning the size and magnetization of arrays of magnetic dots. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 76, p. 100502(R), 2007.

  • Nelissen, K. ; Misko, V. R. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Single file diffusion of interacting particles in a one-dimensional channel. Europhysics Letters , v. 80, p. 56004, 2007.

  • SIDOR, Y. ; Partoens, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. ; MAES, J. ; HAYNE, M. ; FUSTER, D. ; GONZALEZ, Y. ; GONZALEZ, L. ; MOSHCHALKOV, V. . Exciton confinement in InAs/InP quantum wires and quantum wells in the presence of a magnetic field. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 76, p. 195320, 2007.

  • GILLIJNS, W. ; Milosevic, M. V. ; SILHANEK, A. ; MOSHCHALKOV, V. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Influence of magnet size on magnetically engineered field-induced superconductivity. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 76, p. 184516, 2007.

  • Szafran, B. ; PEETERS, F. M. . Signatures of lateral coupling of double quantum dots in the exciton photoluminescence spectrum. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , v. 76, p. 195442, 2007.

Histórico profissional

Endereço profissional

  • Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências, Departamento de Física. , Departamento de Física, Campus do Pici, 60455-760 - Fortaleza, CE - Brasil - Caixa-postal: 6030

Experiência profissional

2005 - 2006

University of Notre Dame

Vínculo: Professor Visitante, Enquadramento Funcional: Professor visitante

1988 - 1992

University of Antwerp

Vínculo: Servidor Público, Enquadramento Funcional: Bevoegdverklaard Navorser

2000 - 2001

Max-Planck-Institut Fur Physik Komplexer Systeme

Vínculo: Professor Visitante, Enquadramento Funcional: Professor visitante