Haniph August Latchman
Possui doutorado em electrical engineering pela University of Oxford(1986). Atualmente é Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineer da University of Florida. Tem experiência na área de Engenharia Elétrica.
Informações coletadas do Lattes em 10/11/2022
Formação acadêmica
Doutorado em electrical engineering
1983 - 1986
University of Oxford
Título: Frequency Response Methods for Uncertain Multivariable Systems.
Orientador: Bazil Kouvaritakis
Compreende Bem, Fala Bem, Lê Bem, Escreve Bem.
Áreas de atuação
Grande área: Engenharias / Área: Engenharia Elétrica.
Modeling And Performance Analysis Of Multimedia Traffic Over Communication Networks; 2012; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Son; Robust Control Design with Parametric Uncertatinties; 2012; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Multimedia Traffic Analysis and Network Design; 2010; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Noise Mitigation in Wireless and Powerline Communications; 2009; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
D; Lee; Optimal Medium Access Control Protocols for Wireless and Powerline Networking; 2008; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
J; Park; A Design and Analysis of Reliable and Enhanced Fast Handover Scheme for Mobility Management in IP-based Wireless/Mobile Networks; 2007; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Tripathi; Wireless and Powerline LANs for Multimedia Traffic; 2006; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Katar; Quality of Service Design Issues in Multimedia Communications Over Power Line Networks; 2006; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Bandwidth Efficient Forward Error Correcting Codes for Impulse Noise; 2005; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Robust Control Design and Analysis with Parametric Uncertainties; 2004; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Saleh; Sliding Mode Control and Robustness Analysis; 2004; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Broadband TDMA protocol with QoS Performance for Powerline Communications; 2004; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
K; Lee; Multimedia Traffic Characterization and Performance Measurements for Powerline LANs; 2004; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Kwon; Medium Access Control Protocols for Wireless Networks; 2002; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Baab; MPDA Revisited in the Context of Critical Direction Theory; 2002; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Design Issues for Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) Based- Receiver CDMA Systems; 2000; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Design of Advanced Control Systems for High Performance and Stability under Uncertainty; 1998; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
A Feedback Flow Control Scheme for Self Similar Traffic in ATM Networks; 1997; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Robustness Analysis of Interval Systems; 1997; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Codebook-based High Quality Audio Coder Using Wavelet Transforms; 1996; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Integrated Traffic Control Mechanism For ATM Networks; 1994; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Robust Stability Analysis of Systems Under Parametric Uncertainties; 1991; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Analysis of Multivariable Systems in the Presence of Uncertainties; 1990; Tese (Doutorado em electric engineering) - University of Florida,; Orientador: Haniph August Latchman;
Produções bibliográficas
LATCHMAN, H. A. ; LEE, S. ; PARK, B. . Efficient Handover Scheme of Proxy Mobile IPv6 in Wireless Local Area Networks. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering , v. 5, p. 21-38, 2010.
KIM, K. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Statistical Traffic Modeling of MPEG Frame Size: Experiments and Analysis. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics , v. 7, p. 54-59, 2010.
SEO, K. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Joint Transceiver Optimization in MC-CDMA Systems. IEICE Transactions on Communications , v. e92-b, p. 2675-2683, 2010.
LEE, S. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; PARK, B. . ELRP-Enhanced Limited Round Robin Mechanism using priority Policy over Bluetooth Networks. International journal of Advanced Science and Technology , v. 6, p. 61-70, 2009.
LIN, Y. ; LEE, S. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . EVGATOR An Enhanced Visualization Simulator for Networking Protocol Analysis. International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications , v. 3, p. 19-32, 2009.
Katar, S ; Krishnam, M. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Harnessing The Potential Of Powerline Communications Using The Homeplug Av Standard. RF Design , v. 29, p. 12-15, 2008.
LEE, J. D. ; TRIPATHI, K. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; MCNAIR, J. . Population based Adaptive Tuning of Constant Contention Window for HomePlug 1.0. International Journal of Power and Energy Systems , v. 203-4065, p. 192-205, 2008.
PARK, B. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Performance Enhancement for Fast Handover for Mobile IPv6 by Reducing Out-of-Sequence Packets. Wireless Personal Communications , v. 10.1007, p. 9455-9458, 2008.
PARK, B. ; HAN, Y. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . EAP: New Fast Handover Scheme based on Enhanced Access Point in Mobile IPv6 Networks. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security , v. 6, p. 69-75, 2006.
PARK, B. ; HUH, I. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . An Enhancement of TCP Fairness in IEEE802.11 based Multi-hop Ad-hoc Networks. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security , v. 6, p. 1-8, 2006.
A. AL-SHAMALI, SALEH ; JI, BAOWEI ; D. CRISALLE, OSCAR ; A. LATCHMAN, HANIPH . The Nyquist robust sensitivity margin for uncertain closed-loop systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , v. 15, p. 619-634, 2005.
FANG, Y. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Performance analysis for a new medium Access control protocol in wireless LANs. Wireless Networks , v. 10, p. 9-22, 2004.
KWON, Y. ; FANG, Y. ; LATCHMAN, H. . Design of MAC Protocols With Fast Collision Resolution for Wireless Local Area Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications , v. 3, p. 793-807, 2004.
LATCHMAN, H.A. ; YONGE, L.W. . Power line local area networking. IEEE Communications Magazine (Print) , v. 41, p. 32-33, 2003.
YU-JU LIN ; LATCHMAN, H.A. ; MINKYU LEE ; KATAR, S. . A power line communication network infrastructure for the smart home. IEEE Wireless Communications , v. 9, p. 104-111, 2002.
LATCHMAN, H. ; SALZMANN, C. ; GILLET, D. ; KIM, K. . Lectures on Demand in ALN Enhancin the Online Learning Experience. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks , v. 5, p. 85-98, 2001.
LATCHMAN, H. ; SALZMANN, C. ; GILLET, D. ; KIM, J. . Learning on demand-a hybrid synchronous/asynchronous approach. IEEE Transactions on Education , v. 44, p. 17 pp., 2001.
ALMUTAIRI, A.F. ; MILLER, S.L. ; LATCHMAN, H.A. ; WONG, T.F. . Power control algorithm for MMSE receiver based CDMA systems. IEEE Communications Letters (Print) , v. 4, p. 346-348, 2000.
LATCHMAN, HANIPH A. ; LATCHMAN, SHERYL M. . Bringing the Classroom to Students Everywhere. Journal of Engineering Education (Washington, D.C.) , v. 89, p. 429-433, 2000.
Fu, Wen-yen ; LATCHMAN, H. . An Effective Flow Control Scheme for Self Similar Traffic in ATM Networks. International Journal Of Modelling And Simulation , v. 21, p. 30-39, 2000.
EDMONSON, W. ; PALACIOS, J.C. ; CHANG AN LAI ; LATCHMAN, H. . A global optimization method for continuous-time adaptive recursive filters. IEEE Signal Processing Letters , v. 6, p. 199-201, 1999.
LATCHMAN, H.A. ; SALZMANN, CH. ; GILLET, D. ; BOUZEKRI, H. . Information technology enhanced learning in distance and conventional education. IEEE Transactions on Education , v. 42, p. 247-254, 1999.
LATCHMAN, HANIPH A. ; CRISALLE, OSCAR D. ; BASKER, V. R. . THE NYQUIST ROBUST STABILITY MARGIN-A NEW METRIC FOR THE STABILITY OF UNCERTAIN SYSTEMS. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control (Print) , v. 7, p. 211-226, 1997.
JIE CHEN ; LATCHMAN, H.A. . Frequency sweeping tests for stability independent of delay. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (Print) , v. 40, p. 1640-1645, 1995.
LATCHMAN, H.A. ; NORRIS, R.J. . On the equivalence between similarity and nonsimilarity scaling in robustness analysis. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (Print) , v. 37, p. 1849-1853, 1992.
LATCHMAN, H.A. ; NORRIS, R.J. . Calculation of the structured singular value with a reduced number of optimization variables. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (Print) , v. 37, p. 1612-1616, 1992.
KOUVARITAKIS, B. ; HARRISON, R.F. ; LATCHMAN, H.A. . Stability and dynamic performance bounds for nonlinear multivariable systems. IEE Proceedings D Control Theory and Applications , v. 134, p. 115, 1987.
KOUVARITAKIS, B. ; LATCHMAN, H. . Necessary and sufficient stability conditions for the case of dependent additive perturbations. International Journal of Control (Print) , v. 43, p. 1615-1629, 1986.
DANIEL, R.W. ; KOUVARITAKIS, B. ; LATCHMAN, H. . Principal direction alignment: a geometric framework for the complete solution to the μ-problem. IEE Proceedings D Control Theory and Applications , v. 133, p. 45, 1986.
KOUVARITAKIS, B. ; LATCHMAN, H. . Necessary and sufficient stability criterion for systems with structured uncertainties: the major principal direction alignment principle. International Journal of Control (Print) , v. 42, p. 575-598, 1985.
KOUVARITAKLS, B. ; LATCHMAN, H. . Singular-value and eigenvalue techniques in the analysis of systems with structured perturbations. International Journal of Control (Print) , v. 41, p. 1381-1412, 1985.
LATCHMAN, HANIPH A. ; KATAR, S. ; YONGE, L. W. ; GAVETTE, S. . Homeplug AV and IEEE 1901: A Handbook for PLC Designers and Users. 1. ed. Wiley-IEEE Press, 2013.
LATCHMAN, H. A. ; SON, J. E. ; TRIPATHI, K. . Control Systems Analysis and Design A Laboratory Manual and Handbook. 2. ed. , 2010.
LATCHMAN, H.A. ; SON, J. E. ; TRIPATHI, K. . Control Systems Analysis and Design A Laboratory Manual and Handbook. 1. ed. , 2006.
LATCHMAN, H.A. . Linear Control Systems A First Course. 1. ed. , 1999. 205p .
LATCHMAN, H.A. . Computer Communication Networks and the Internet. 1. ed. , 1997. 223p .
LATCHMAN, H. A. ; YONGE, L. ; AMARSINGH, A. ; S.Katar, L. . High Speed Multimedia and Smart Energy Applications Based on Adaptations of HomePlug AV . In: IEEE International Symposium on Power line Communications and its Applications, 2013, Johannesburg. IEEE International Symposium on Power line Communications and its Applications, 2013.
LEE, Y. ; HA, H. ; HWANG, M. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . QoS Augmented CSMA/CA MAC Protocol for High Speed Multimedia Powerline Communications. In: IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its Applications (ISPLC),, 2012, Beijing. IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its Applications (ISPLC),, 2012. p. 236-241.
KRIMINGER, E. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Markov Chain Model of HomePlug CSMA MAC for Determining Optimal Fixed Contention Window Size ,. In: IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications, 2011, Udine. IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications, 2011. p. 399-404.
LEE, Y. ; HWANG, M. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Competing Solutions for Multimedia Home Networking. In: IIIS International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC), 2011, Orlando. IIIS International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC), 2011. p. 32-37.
NARASHIMHAN, S. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Introduction to the Border Gateway Protocol Case Study Using GNS3. In: Proceedings of the World Multi-Conference on Systems, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI),, 2011, Orlando. Proceedings of the World Multi-Conference on Systems, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI),, 2011. p. 315-320.
PAL, S. ; GADDE, R. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . On the Reliability of Voice Over IP (VoIP) Telephony. In: International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies (CCCT),, 2011, Orlando. International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies (CCCT),, 2011. p. 9-12.
DESONG, B. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . High Speed Powerline Communications State of the Art and Beyond. In: Proceedings of the International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC), 2011, Orlando. Proceedings of the International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC), 2011. p. 18-23.
ASUNDI, A. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; FITZ-COY, N. . Attitude Estimation for Picosatellites with Distributed Computing Platform using Murrell s Algorithm of the Extended Kalman Filter. In: 21st AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, 2011, New Orleans. 21st AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, 2011. p. 437-450.
SON, J. E. ; MANI, A. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Robustness Analysis for MIMO systems with Unstructured Uncertainties. In: 8th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (CCA), 2010, Xiamen. 8th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (CCA), 2010. p. 1333-1337.
KIM, K. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Statistical Traffic Modeling of MPEG Frame Size: Experiments and Analysis. In: 13th World Multi-Conference on Systems, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2009, Orlando. 13th World Multi-Conference on Systems, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2009. p. 63-68.
SEO, K. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; AFKHAMIE, K. . Improved Impulse Detection in Power Line Communication Systems. In: 2008 IEEE International Conference on Power Line Communications and Its Applications,, 2008, Jeju Island. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Power Line Communications and Its Applications,, 2008. p. 374-379.
LEE, S. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Comparative Performance Analysis of Recent Powerline and Wireless Technologies for Multimedia Home Networking. In: 12th Annual World Multi-Conference on Systems Cybernetics and Informatics,, 2008, Orlando. 12th Annual World Multi-Conference on Systems Cybernetics and Informatics,, 2008. v. 3. p. 113-118.
LEE, S. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; LIN, J. . Performance Analysis of Recent Home Networking Technologies for High Definition Video Streaming. In: 1st Ecuador International Seminar on Powerline Commmunications, 2008, Rio Bamba. 1st Ecuador International Seminar on Powerline Commmunications, 2008. v. 1. p. 25-31.
LIN, Y. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Effects of Maximum Transmission Unit in Power Line Communication Networks. In: IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications, 2007, Pisa. IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications, 2007. p. 129-135.
LIN, Y. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; Newman, R. . A New TCP and UDP Network Benchmark Suite. In: Communications and Networking Simulation Symposium, 2007, Norfolk. Communications and Networking Simulation Symposium, 2007. p. 57-63.
LEE, S. ; PARK, B. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Enhanced Limited Round Robinwith a Priority Policy for Bluetooth. In: IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, 2007, Niigata. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, 2007. p. 182-185.
LIN, Y. ; LEE, S. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . VisuGATOR - A Visualization Tool for Networking Protocol Analysis. In: IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology 2007, 2007, Niigata. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology 2007, 2007. p. 128-133.
LEE, J. D. ; TRIPATHI, K. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Efficient High Speed Communications Over Electrical Power lines For a Large Number of Users. In: Power and Energy Systems (PES 2007) IASTED International Conference, 2007, Clearwater. Power and Energy Systems (PES 2007) IASTED International Conference, 2007. p. 86-93.
LEE, M. ; LEE, Y. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . DVD-Quality Video Transmission on Powerline Channel. In: Power and Energy Systems (PES 2007) IASTED International Conference, 2007, Clearwater. Power and Energy Systems (PES 2007) IASTED International Conference, 2007. p. 33-38.
S.Katar, L. ; MASHBURN, B. ; Newman, R. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Allocation Requirements for Supporting Latency Bound Traffic in HomePlug AV Networks. In: IEEE Global Communications (Globecom 2006), 2006, Istanbul. IEEE Global Communications (Globecom 2006), 2006.
A. AL-SHAMALI, SALEH ; Saleh A. ; CRISALLE, O. D. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Uncertain Homogenous Bilinear Systems: A Variable-Structure Control Approach. In: American Control Conference, 2006, Minnesota. American Control Conference, 2006.
SON, J. E. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Proceedings of the SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference. In: SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference, 2006, Busan. SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference, 2006. p. 739-744.
SON, J. E. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . H-Infinity Design using the Static Weight for Parametric Uncertainties. In: International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 2006, Busan. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 2006. p. 520-524.
PARK, B. ; LEE, S. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Performance Analysis of Enhanced- Mobile IPv6 with Fast Handover over End-to-End TCP. In: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 06), 2006, Las Vegas. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 06), 2006. p. 581-586.
S.Katar, L. ; MASHBURN, B. ; AFKHAMIE, K. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; Newman, R. . Channel Adaptation basedon Cyclo-Stationary Noise Characteristics in PLC Systems. In: IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications, 2006, Orlando. IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications, 2006. p. 16-21.
Katar, S ; KRISHNAM, M. ; MASHBURN, B. ; Newman, R. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Beacon Shcedule Persistence to Mitigate Beacon Loss in HomePlug AV Networks. In: IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications, 2006, Orlando. IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications, 2006. p. 184-188.
TRIPATHI, K. ; LEE, J. D. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; MCNAIR, J. ; Katar, S . Contention Window based Parameter Selection to Improve Powerline MAC Efficiency for Large Number of Users. In: IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications, 2006, Orlando. IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications, 2006. p. 189-193.
ASGHARI, H. ; Newman, R. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Bandwidth Efficient Forward-Error-Correction Coding For High Speed Powerline Communications. In: IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications, 2006, Orlando. IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications, 2006. p. 350-355.
PARK, B. ; LEE, S. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . A Fast Neighbor Discovery and DAD Scheme for Fast Handover in Mobile IPv6 Networks. In: IEEE International Conference on Mobile Communications and Learning (MCL 06), 2006, moorea. IEEE International Conference on Mobile Communications and Learning (MCL 06), 2006. p. 2001-2006.
PARK, B. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Fast Handover Scheme Based on Enhanced Access Point (EAP) for Mobile IPv6. In: IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, 2006, Phoenix Park. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, 2006. p. 759-763.
PARK, B. ; HWANG, E. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . An Efficient Fast Neighbor Discovery (EFND) Scheme to Reduce Handover Latency in Mobile IPv6. In: theIEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, 2006, Phoenix Park. theIEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, 2006. p. 1306-1310.
PARK, B. ; LEE, J. D. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . An Efficient TCP Mechanism to Reduce Out-of-Sequence Packets in Mobile IPv6. In: IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, 2006, Phoenix Park. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, 2006. p. 1115-1118.
TRIPATHI, K. ; MCNAIR, J. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Directional Antenna based Performance Evaluation of 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network. In: Proceedings of the Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications (MATA) Conference, 2005, Montreal. Proceedings of the Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications (MATA) Conference, 2005.
S.Katar, L. ; YONGE, L. ; Newman, R. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Efficient Framing and ARQ for High-Speed PLC Systems. In: IEEE International Symposium on Powerline Communication and Its Applications, 2005, Vancouver. IEEE International Symposium on Powerline Communication and Its Applications, 2005. p. 27-31.
LIN, Y. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; LIU, J. ; NEWMAN, R. . Periodic Contention-Free Multiple Access for Broadband Multimedia Powerline Communication Networks. In: IEEE International Symposium on Powerline Communication and Its Applications (ISPLC), 2005, Vancouver. IEEE International Symposium on Powerline Communication and Its Applications (ISPLC), 2005. p. 121-125.
LIN, Y. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; LIU, J. ; NEWMAN, R. . Periodic Contention-Free Multiple Access for Powerline Communication Networks. In: IEEE Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2005, Taipei. IEEE Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2005. p. 315-318.
MASHBURN, B. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; VANDERMEY, T. ; YONGE, L. ; TRIPATHI, K. . Signal Processing Challenges in the Design of the HomePlugAV Powerline Standard to Ensure Co-existence with HomePlug 1.0.1. In: IEEE Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), 2005, New York. IEEE Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC),, 2005.
AFKHAMIE, K. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; YONGE, L. ; DAVIDSON, T. ; NEWMAN, R. . Joint Optimization of Transmit Pulse Shaping, Guard Interval Length and Reciver-side Narrow-band Interference Mitigation in HomePlugAV OFDM System. In: Joint Optimization of Transmit Pulse Shaping, Guard Interval Length and Reciver-side Narrow-band Interference Mitigation in HomePlugAV OFDM System, 2005, New York. Joint Optimization of Transmit Pulse Shaping, Guard Interval Length and Reciver-side Narrow-band Interference Mitigation in HomePlugAV OFDM System, 2005.
Hughes, J.L.A. ; Anderson-Rowland, M.R. ; Barnwell, T.P. ; Castro, M. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; Papp, D.S. . Theme panel: expanding educational opportunities through partnerships and distance learning. In: IEEE 34th Annual Frontiers in Education, 2004, Savannah. IEEE 34th Annual Frontiers in Education, 2004. p. 605-606.
A. AL-SHAMALI, SALEH ; CRISALLE, O. D. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; JI, B. . A Margin for Robust Stability and Robust Performance. In: 4th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND 2003), 2004, Milan. 4th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND 2003), 2004.
A. AL-SHAMALI, SALEH ; Saleh A. ; CRISALLE, O. D. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . Derivation of Stability Conditions for a Class of Time-Delay Bilinear Systems. In: International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies and 9th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, 2003, Orlando. International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies and 9th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, 2003. p. 363-367.
KWON, Y. ; FANG, Y. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. . A novel medium access control protocol with fast collision resolution for wireless LANs. In: 2003 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'03), 2003, San Francisco. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'03), 2003.
BAAB, C. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; CRISALLE, O. D. . Robustness of Classical Tuning Correlations for Proportional-Integral Controllers. In: American Control Conference, 2003, Gainesville. American Control Conference, 2003. p. 4997-5002.
BAAB, C. ; LATCHMAN, H. A. ; CRISALLE, O. D. . A Restatement of the Major Principal Direction Alignment Principle for Robustness. In: American Control Conference, 2003, Gainesville. American Control Conference, 2003. p. 4828-4833.
Best Paper, CONTROL 85 Conference, Cambridge England, Oxford University, England.
Managing Director's Award for Excellence, Jamaica Telephone Company Ltd., Kingston Jamaica.
Best Electrical Engineering Project, University of The West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago.
UWI Open Scholarship, St. Jago High School, Spanish Town Jamaica.
Histórico profissional
Experiência profissional
1986 - 1992
University of FloridaVínculo: Formal labor contract, Enquadramento Funcional: Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
2001 - 2001
Czech Technical University in PragueVínculo: Visitor Professor, Enquadramento Funcional: Visiting Professor, Circuit Theory
1998 - 1998
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneVínculo: Visitor Professor, Enquadramento Funcional: Visiting Professor, Institut d automatique
1994 - 1994
The University Of The West IndiesVínculo: Visiting Lecturer, Enquadramento Funcional: Visiting Lecturer, Computer Science Departmen
1993 - 1994
Stanford UniversityVínculo: Visitor Professor, Enquadramento Funcional: Visiting Associate Professor of Electrical En
1991 - 1992
Universita di BolognaVínculo: Visitor Professor, Enquadramento Funcional: Visiting Associate Professor of Electr. Eng.
1984 - 1986
University of OxfordVínculo: Tutor, Enquadramento Funcional: Tutor in Mathematics and Numerical Analysis
1981 - 1986
Jamaica Telephone Company Ltd., Kingston JamaicaVínculo: Civil servant, Enquadramento Funcional: Transmission Engineer
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